A little about our guests.
Dianne and Alan have been together for 28 years and married for 26. They first met when Dianne was unregistering for a transformational seminar. Alan was working at the seminar and talked her back into going. The rest, as they say, is a sweet history.
Dianne and Alan love living on the beach overlooking the beautiful Atlantic Ocean. Since they married, they continue a daily practice of reading spiritual passages to each other after breakfast each morning. They love to play tennis and are tennis fans as well. They also love to swim, are movie fans and enjoy family and friend time.
They support the Distinguished Speakers Series at the Florida International University’s Program in the Study of Spirituality. They truly live what they teach.
A little about their business.
Dianne trademarked the 21 principles she and Alan teach called QuantumThink in 1997. But these principles and ways of being developed over years of study, practice and discovery.
Dianne and Alan consult with and teach the principles of QuantumThink to the leaders in some of the world’s leading corporations as well as celebrities, homemakers, artists, students and evolutionaries.
QuantumThink is a way for the world to take the integrated knowledge of Eastern and Western mastery traditions and live them daily instead of just knowing them conceptually.
Dianne and Alan are teaching the way to change the world through “quantum” modern wisdom.
One piece of advice (the nutshell version)
Take ownership of everything you do. Own your relationships 100% for each of you. It isn’t a 50/50 proposition – It is 100% from each of you.
Reading Material
Do You Quantum Think by Dianne Collins - http://amzn.to/21h30opThe Power of Broke by Daymond John - http://amzn.to/1QBKDsG
Get in Touch with Our Guests
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