A little about our guests. Cassandra grew up less than 2 miles from where she and Ronnie decided to open Vital Life Chiropractic. For her it is coming full circle back to her roots. Ronnie is a native of Akron, Ohio, we to high school in Lithia Springs, Georgia. As turns out, Ronnie and Cassandra attended many of the same events in High School and never met. This theme continued into college. Ronnie and Cassandra knew each other but never got together in college. Finally, years later, Ronnie called Cassandra. But it wasn’t the Cassandra he meant to call. He was trying to call his then boss. As fate stepped in, they got together and the rest is history. A little about their business. Cassandra’s background is in child and family development. Her focus is in academia and she holds a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, and a doctorate in various aspects of child, family, and human development. Ronnie completed his chiropractic doctoral degree at Life University. Together, Cassandra and Ronnie are creating a practice that is truly holistic, looking at the whole person and whole family structure. As Cassandra and Ronnie look to launch Vital Life Chiropractic, Cassandra is learning the business aspects of the company while Ronnie works in the community to build relationships with future patients. Together they are creating a practice of their own. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Recognize that even as you do great business things together, at the end of the day your marriage is the most important thing. Marriage is the priority, not business. Reading Material Expert Secrets by Russell Branson - http://amzn.to/2qZMToY Raving Fans by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles - http://amzn.to/2sRaTqL Get in Touch with Our Guests [email protected] website coming soon