A little about our guests.
Scott and Katie have been married for 10 years and have 2 year old twins. They met on the Ultimate Frisbee Field in Atlanta, Georgia. Scott has a background in IT and enjoys starting new companies. Katie and Scott first created Green Building Education Services together and ran the company for several years before selling it and going on to create The National Registry for Adoption together.
Scott is the famed creator of Scoop No More – A Cat Toilet Training Video. Sadly, there was no Oscar nomination. Scott spends his free time playing guitar and wakeboarding. As mom to 2 year old twins, Katie is now the Duchess of Dishwashing, Master of the Meal plan and Prime Minister of Potty Training.
A little about their business.
The National Registry for Adoption is an adoption service that matches those with excess embryos from IVF with families dealing with infertility issues. Katie runs day-to-day operations while Scott maintains the website, works with Katie and has a separate business teaching people about personal finance.
One piece of advice (the nutshell version)
Schedule your day to separate your business from your personal life. Business isn’t worth your marriage and family. Always have a back-up plan and 6 to 9 months’ worth of expenses in the bank.
Reading Material
Unbroken – The Louis  Zamparini Story by Laura Hillenbrand (http://amzn.to/1JMSfk9) Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook - By Gary Vaynerchuk‎ (http://amzn.to/1OfOXO0)
Get in Touch with Our Guests
On Twitter @scottalanturner.com www.ScottAlanTurner.com [email protected] www.NRFA.org
And download the cat toilet training video for free at www.scoopnomore.com.