A little about our guests. Carmen hails from our nation’s capital and Darius is from South Carolina. Carmen has a Master’s Degree in Communications and Darius is an Industrial Engineer, a career that led him to the path of owning his own real estate investing business. Both enjoy travel and food and while Darius enjoys trying new foods, Carmen is a self-proclaimed HUGE FOODIE. Married 3 years and in business together for half of that time, Carmen and Darius relax by training for 5K runs and do a run a month. A little about their business. Both Carmen and Darius knew from the start they wanted to be in business for themselves. Carmen, the creative half, has tried her hand at e-commerce as well as the fitness business being an avid runner. Darius, the industrial engineer studying time and money put that number crunching to use in research a great business for them. Real Estate was the answer and the Britts started as wholesalers, going door to door talking to people who were on the verge of losing their homes in hopes of giving them a way out. Then they decided on rehabs but soon realized if you are wielding a hammer you can’t sit on a beach and earn money. Taking all their knowledge and experience, Darius and Carmen created Brade Street Properties, a real estate investment firm that partners investors with flippers that need capital. Everyone gets what they want and need, including Darius and Carmen, who get their laptop lifestyle. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Your relationship comes first. The strength is in being together. Patience, patience, patience. Don’t force it. Be patient and strategic. Reading Material Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - http://amzn.to/2jNqFBl Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker - http://amzn.to/2kNMZZ4 4 Disciplines of Execution by Chris McKenzie - http://amzn.to/2jolcSR Get in Touch with Our Guests http://www.BradeStreetProperties.com [email protected]