A little about our guests. Heather is from Green Bay, WI while Jonathan hails from just outside London, England. Heather and Jonathan met when they were both working at a summer camp. After falling in love and moving back to the US, they started in Colorado before moving back to Wisconsin after their first child was born. Heather was always an entrepreneur of sorts. She would start clubs and groups throughout high school and college. When she couldn’t find her own thing, she just created it. She received her Master’s in Social Work and after working for others decided to go out on her own with husband, Jonathan. Jonathan grew up in England before moving to the states. He received his Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy, specializing in working with couples on the brink of divorce. A big rift is that Jonathan enjoys Indian food while Heather is not a fan at all. A little about their business. Heather and Jonathan have been in business together 8 years. Heather suggested they open a private practice and they have been growing ever since. While there has been a learning curve, they enjoy working together. In addition to couples and family therapy, they created a podcast called, The Fringy Bit. It deals with raising gifted, talented, and special needs children. They base much of their work and their podcast on their own experiences in parenting a higher-needs child. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Choose joy and appreciate joy. Also, the end is important in all things. So take time to celebrate the ending. Reading Material The Explosive Child by Ross W. Greene - http://amzn.to/2fz2CRa The Five Love Languages by Gary D. Chapman - http://amzn.to/2g3FTAz Get in Touch with Our Guests www.BoormanCounseling.com www.TheFringyBit.com