A little about our guests. Regina and Rendel are newlyweds with a little experience. Regina became a widow after 44 years of marriage. Rendel was married twice before, one ending in divorce and the second in the passing of his wife. A little older and a lot wiser, Rendel and Regina met, married, and went into business together. The adventure started a short 4 months ago. Rendel enjoys motorcycling, photography and is an artist and great cook. Regina likes to sew, craft, crochet and make jewelry. Between them there are 8 children and numerous grandchildren. A little about their business. Regina opened up a bed and breakfast with her late husband in 2011. She was coming off the 2-year sabbatical she took from business when her 13 year old, multi-state, multi-million dollar staffing company failed after the crash of 2008. In 2014 Regina began studying to become a business and life coach. She called on her own experiences for her coaching and books. Rendel became a chiropractor in 1994, was a co-owner of Diamond Spine Fitness and became a business partner and husband to Regina. Rendel has taken over all the maintenance and operations for the bed and breakfast. He is also the camera and video guy and works with Regina on the marriage retreats. One piece of advice (the nutshell version) Make sure you are committed to the marriage and are willing to do whatever it takes to honor that commitment. Reading Material Bulletproof Your Marriage by Regina Partain http://amzn.to/2bdzpiA Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray http://amzn.to/2byqR0G Get in Touch with Our Guests www.BridgeportLakeBandB.com www.BridgeportCoaching.com [email protected] [email protected] Twitter - @bridgeportstrgy @BportLakeBandB