Welcome to Toddler Tunes, this week we're exploring the magic of calm songs to help your family wind down, feel relaxed, and peaceful. Join me as we guide our little ones through soothing melodies and calming exercises for a lovely relaxing journey.

In our first song, we'll accompany our sleepy Teddy Bear on its bedtime journey. Grab your favourite teddy and follow along as we help it turn around, touch the ground, jump up high, touch the sky, and say goodnight.

Next, it's time to count the stars in "Ten Little Stars." We'll close our eyes, imagine a star-filled sky, and practice counting together.

Imagination takes flight in our third song, as we venture into an imaginary garden to try and have a beautiful butterfly land on our finger. 

Finally, we'll practice a calming breathing exercise in "Breathe." Let's do some deep breathing together so that your little one knows how to breath deeply when they need to find a calm moment in their day.

To continue the calming journey, I've curated a lovely playlist filled with songs to play before bedtime or for relaxing moments. 

✨ Calm Songs Playlist ✨

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If you're searching for an engaging, screen-free podcast that combines the power of music with education, Toddler Tunes is the perfect choice. Georgies delightful nursery rhymes, learning songs, and imaginative content provide a solid foundation for playtime, bedtime, and exciting road trips! 

Todays keywords: calmness, relaxation, bedtime, children's music, soothing songs, deep breathing, imagination, toddler-friendly, calm songs, relax, bedtime music, children's lullabies, toddler-friendly