Like many, I am deeply concerned with the impact social media has had on our brains, our attention, and our society. I have a slightly different take on what the root of the problem is, though. While those worried about distraction, polarization, algorithms, and censorship all have a right to be concerned, I think the real issue is deeper and more fundamental. By creating a hyperconnected network for information flow, we seem to have kicked off a negative ratchet that leans on several compounding forces to fundamentally change the identities of those who carelessly venture onto the modern internet.

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Show Notes: [00:10] I might as well pile on with everyone else criticizing social media companies. [08:55] How the internet erodes trust in institutions and kicks off a negative ratchet of polarization, outrage, and epistemic nihilism [14:21] Is the criticism of social media an unjustified moral panic? Most other new communications technologies were criticized widely at the time. [20:31] Why I think “filter bubbles” are overrated—and why viewing alternate realities through the lens of identity and music fandom may be more helpful [30:44] The internet creates an environment that evolves apex predator memes mimetic concepts [38:31] Almost everyone recognizes that there’s a problem with social media. Not everyone agrees on what the problem is or what to do about it. Where should we go from here? Links and Resources Mentioned The Social Dilemma Tristan Harris Your Undivided Attention Podcast Albert Kao, PhD (Santa Fe Institute) on the Wisdom of Crowds and Hyperconnected Networks “Why Bankers Need to Be Put Into Little Boxes” from the Harvard Business Review Inside Job “The Revolt of The Public and the Crisis of Authority in the New Millennium” by Martin Gurri “A ratchet with leverage” by Seth Godin European wars of religion John R. Brinkley Nuts! “Bowling Alone” by Robert Putnam Joshua Becker, PhD on Polarization, Collective Intelligence & Social Tipping Points How did you get in to metal? Who was your “gateway band”? Renée DiResta K-pop Dreamcatcher “Good Night” Mr. Bungle “Travolta” Chiodos “The Undertaker’s Thirst For Revenge Is Unquenchable…” Attack Attack! “Stick Stickly” Falling In Reverse “Bad Girls Club”