We talk about the Salvation Army Radio-thon with "Feed Connecticut" sponsor Bruce Cwirka of Navarro Trucking in Bristol, then take calls on Ned's lack of awareness of constitutional values.

Plus, national security expert Juliette Kayyem joins us from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government to discuss the shutdown. Kayyem, an expert in crisis management, urges people to #StayHome and #WearAMask, but acknowledges that we must merge values of social isolation with the need for increased economic activity.

We talk about the Salvation Army Radio-thon with "Feed Connecticut" sponsor Bruce Cwirka of Navarro Trucking in Bristol, then take calls on Ned's lack of awareness of constitutional values.

Plus, national security expert Juliette Kayyem joins us from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government to discuss the shutdown. Kayyem, an expert in crisis management, urges people to #StayHome and #WearAMask, but acknowledges that we must merge values of social isolation with the need for increased economic activity.