464 Mike Capuzzi - Bite-Sized Books to Build Authority & Business

Welcome to Episode 464 of The Today’s Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow’s Best Leader Today. Our guest today is Mike Capuzzi and if you are looking for ways to build your authority and increase growth in your business, then stay tuned.

Mike Capuzzi is an author, nonfiction book coach and short book publisher for business owners, entrepreneurs, and CEOs who want to leverage the power of being a short, helpful book author.

Since 1998, Mike has helped thousands of business owners market their businesses smarter and since 2008, Mike has helped business owners become published authors.

In 2019 he launched Bite Sized Books, a new publishing venture founded on his proven formula for creating short, helpful books (shooks™) for business owners, entrepreneurs, and CEOs. Shooks are the ideal type of book for these men and women to publish because they are easy to create, can be read in about an hour and offer helpful ways for readers to connect with the author.

Please welcome Mike to the podcast.


Show Links

Listener gift link: https://MikeCapuzzi.com/gifts

Read The 100-Page Book online: https://100PageBook.com/flip

Read the The Magic of Shooks: https://bitesizedbooks.com/authors

My web sites:



My podcast:



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