461 Genevieve Georget & Corey Blake Vulnerability is Sexy.mp4

Welcome to Episode 461 of The Today’s Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow’s Best Leader Today. Today we host the leaders behind Round Table Storytelling Academy, Genevieve Goerget and Corey Blake

So much of what we do as humans today relies on telling a great story. Looking for a new job? What story are you telling prospective employers? Searching for your soulmate? What’s the story your online profile is telling? Marketing your business to customers? Are you sharing your most powerful story?

About Corey Blake: Corey began his storytelling career as an actor, starring in one of the 50 greatest Superbowl ads of all time. In 2006, Corey created Round Table Companies (RTC), which serves CEOs, thought leaders, and organizations in helping them to unpack and share their authentic story through books, film & video, and art installations.

About Genevieve Goerget: Gen is the Director of the RTC Storytelling Course, and a successful author in her own right. She is the coauthor of Gathering Around the Table with Earthkind CEO Kari Warberg Block, with a forthcoming book soon to be published with Ross Buhrdorf, the CEO & Founder of ZenBusiness and the founding CTO for HomeAway. Gen’s own book, Solace: A Journal of Human Experience, was named 2020 Book of Year for the Ottawa FACES Magazine Awards.

Please welcome Corey and Genevieve to the podcast.


Show Links

Webiste - https://www.roundtablecompanies.com/about

Website - https://www.roundtablecompanies.com/courses

Genevieve Website - https://gengeorget.com/

Corey Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/coblake/

Genevieve Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/genevieve-georget/


Video versions of this podcast are available on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/@TonyCurl/

Our Podcast is hosted at https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-todays-leader-podcast

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You are standing Stronger, Braver, and Wiser. Don’t forget the golden rule “ Don t be an A-Hole

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