Episode 458 Slow Down and Go Deep Nick Jonsson

Welcome to Episode 458 of The Today’s Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow’s Leaders Today. Today we speak to the Author of Executive Loneliness Nick Jonsson which is a subject that many leaders simply don’t talk about. But should.

Nick’s story is not uncommon, but it is too often unspoken. As a senior executive, he overcame the debilitating loneliness that many leaders face without a peer group who understands their unique challenges.

While rebuilding his life, he began to realize how many leaders and entrepreneurs need peers who can relate to their challenges and play a supportive role both professionally and socially.

Today, as a global thought leader on the subject of mental well-being, his passion is to help professionals live happier, healthier more successful lives through meaningful connections to one another.

Please welcome Nick Jonsson to the podcast.


Nick’s Links

Website - https://nickjonsson.com/

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nick-jonsson/

Amazon Executive Loneliness - https://www.amazon.com/Executive-Loneliness-Overcoming-Isolation-Depression/dp/1646335880


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