Welcome to Episode 453 of The Today's Leader Podcast. Most of you will know I am a certified Maxwell Leadership coach and I am always pleased to showcase fellow Maxwell Leadership coaches, so today is another one of these opportunities.

LaQuita Monley wears many hats. In addition to being a devoted wife(Military Spouse), mother of 5, and grandmother of 5, she also operates in purpose and expertise as a savvy real estate investor, transformational coach, teacher, trainer, and international speaker with The John Maxwell Team. From the United Kingdom to Kenya, Germany, and back to the United States, LaQuita’s mantle is to charge others with progressing into the best version of themselves. La'Quita loves to equip individuals, organizations, and ministries to unlock their full potential and live out their mission in the most authentic way.

Her life experiences have shaped her into a master storyteller. It’s my pleasure to welcome Laquita to the podcast


LaQuita’s Links

All of LaQuita’s links can be found at : https://linktr.ee/LMonley


Video versions of this podcast are available on Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/c/TonyCurl/

Our Podcast is hosted at https://www.spreaker.com/show/the-todays-leader-podcast

Our podcast is recorded on the Riverside.fm Platform https://riverside.fm/?utm_campaign=campaign_1&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_source=rewardful&via=tony

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Today’s Leader is a collective, The mindset to make a difference and the ability to create an impact. Our Emerging Leaders Masterclass can be found at https://www.tomorrowsbestleaders.com/course/emerging-leaders-roundtable-masterclass#/home

Think & Grow Business Hosts our Today’s Leader Masterminds. TAGB where we focus on personal, professional, and business growth. Book your free 30-minute discovery call at https://thinkandgrowbusiness.com.au/book-your-free-discovery-call/

You are standing Stronger, Braver, and Wiser. Don’t forget the golden rule “ Don t be an A-Hole

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Check Out our Top 10 Leadership Podcasts: https://todaysleader.com.au/the-best-leadership-podcasts-for-2021/

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