Welcome to Episode 416 of The Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow's Best Leaders, Today. One of the least talked about areas for leaders is their own financial knowledge, which is where our guest today comes in. Leah Ellis is a work-at-home mum to three kids and the owner of Endeavor Financial Coaching, LLC.

She dedicates her time to teaching fed-up Americans how to break the cycle of paycheck to paycheck, and entrepreneurs how to Dispel Money Myths and Slay Money Dragons. Also, a simple concept of paying yourself first, is pretty integral to a lot of businesses.

During the course of the interview, young Nicky gatecrashes the interview and demands Mum Leah's attention. This is another great conversation with great advice for leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere.


Contact Leah:

Website - https://endeavorfinancialcoaching.com/

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/leahkellis/


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