Welcome to Episode 414 of The Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrows' Best Leaders, Today. Today we are in for another wonderful expert sharing massive insights into you as a leader

LauraHulleman, the creator of the Endotype Formula and author of My Walk, My Way; isa powerful truth-teller. Her superpower is helping people believe that being themselves as they are designed is more than enough. Once a person is grounded in their identity, they can begin to operate from their zone of genius and experience more peace every day.    

Laura spent years researching and recognizing the patterns that created the Endotype Formula, the most comprehensive and advanced personality assessment available at this time. Right now she takes coaches and entrepreneurs on an adventure into their Endotype Formula to improve their businesses, embodies their brand identity, and attract their ideal clientele. 

We did have internet gremlins affect the show today and for those that subscribe to my Youtube channel, you will see the impact. Laura's video just didn't want to play the game, but it doesn't detract from the conversation.


Find out More

Website - https://endotype.com/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Endotype

Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/user/ImpactFitnessWI


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You are standing Stronger, Braver, and Wiser. Don’t forget the golden rule – Don t be an A-Hole

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