Welcome to Episode 411 of The Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow's Leader Podcast. Today features one of the most challenging interviews for me personally. The concept presented by today's guest is such a shift of thinking around business and leadership, she shatters any belief you may have in maintaining a status quo. Her insight into indigenous wisdom,  living systems, quantum cosmology brings amazing awareness to how YOU can bring better into your business. Carol Sanford is today's guest.

Carol is Author of Five best-selling books, including The Regenerative Life: Transform Any Organization, Our Society, Your Destiny, No More Feedback, The Regenerative Business (Michiel Bakker, Google VP wrote Foreword.) 22 Gold Awards thus far for her books. All five books are built around case stories of specific transformation in people, businesses, communities and regions. Exec Producer, The Regenerative Business Summit and Producer & On Air Talent, Business Second Opinion Podcast.


Contact Carol at:

Website - https://carolsanford.com/


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