Welcome to Monday Mentoring on the Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow's Best Leaders Today. Today I am going to share a pivotal time in my career.  It was quite a few years ago, but it was pivotal for me. At the beginning of the year, a leader took the time to sit down and set goals with me. This leader wasn't even my boss, he was my boss's boss. 

He was unequivocal about what the goals should look like, they needed to be clear, have performance stretch and reach, and had to be achieved within a time frame. Importantly, we both knew what could happen if the results were achieved. It was the potential to take the next step in my career.

The many leaders I work with, I am surprised when a leader has actually set goals, either for themselves or as part of their ongoing development. Unfortunately, it's often rare for leaders, in the middle of organizations to set goals. 

I get asked often Why should I set goals?


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You are standing Stronger, Braver, and Wiser. Don’t forget the golden rule – Don t be an A-Hole

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