Welcome to Episode 400 of The Today's Leader Podcast, Building Tomorrow's Best Leaders Today. We provide proven expert advice, and strategies for leaders at all levels, striving to get to the next level, whether it’s a career leap or business growth. If you are an emerging and ambitious leader, check out the Emerging Leaders Masterclass at tomorrowsbestleaders.com, leverage your potential, and prepare you for your next role. Check it out today.

Every Friday, have you seen the posts from budding entrepreneurs, aspiring for INBOX Zero?  The aim is to have their inbox at zero. Our emails have become a representation of our working day, our to-do lists, and how efficient we can be. Yet often, this comes at the expense of more pressing priorities. But hey, at least we can post our inbox zero post on Friday. We might have missed other targets, sales, leads, and development, so our focus on the inbox zero may actually be detrimental to our business endeavors. Meet Yaro Starak


Yaro's Links

Website- https://inboxdone.com/

Yaro's Blog - https://yaro.blog/


If you are looking to build better leadership skills, check out The Today’s Leader website at todaysleader.com.au

We are driving a leadership revolution and BUILDING TOMORROW’S BEST LEADERS, TODAY!

Today’s Leader is a collective, The mindset to make a difference and the ability to create an impact. Our Emerging Leaders Masterclass can be found at https://www.tomorrowsbestleaders.com/course/emerging-leaders-roundtable-masterclass#/home

Think & Grow Business Hosts our Today’s Leader Masterminds. TAGB where we focus on personal, professional, and business growth. Book your free 30-minute discovery call at https://thinkandgrowbusiness.com.au/book-your-free-discovery-call/

You are standing Stronger, Braver, and Wiser. Don’t forget the golden rule – Don t be an A-Hole

Check Out our Top 10 Leadership Podcasts: https://todaysleader.com.au/the-best-leadership-podcasts-for-2021/

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#personalgrowth #leadershipgrowth #business #inboxzero