If you are a career ambitious leader wanting to make an impact, check out the Emerging Leaders 12-month program at https://www.tomorrowsbestleaders.com/#/home It will bring the next step in your leadership journey closer.

In today's episode, I speak with Peter Mohr in a conversation that was educational and enjoyable

Pete Mohr is a life-long multipreneur, he has owned and operated businesses in the service sector as well as retail since 1994.

He has owned franchises, started his own businesses, and bought and sold some along the way as well! His passion is helping other business owners and leaders cut through the frustration and chaos of running their businesses by providing systems and frameworks that simplify their life as a leader, and our conversation today will highlight this

Stay tuned to hear how business can be made simple utilisng one-page plans


Pete can be contacted:

Links – https://simplifyingentrepreneurship.com/

Free Planner - https://simplifyingentrepreneurship.com/planner/

Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/petermohr/


If you are looking to build better leadership skills, check out The Today’s Leader website at todaysleader.com.au

We are driving a leadership revolution and BUILDING TOMORROW’S BEST LEADERS, TODAY!

Today’s Leader is a collective, The mindset to make a difference and the ability to create an impact. Our Emerging Leaders Masterclass can be found at https://www.tomorrowsbestleaders.com/course/emerging-leaders-roundtable-masterclass#/home

Think & Grow Business Hosts our Today’s Leader Masterminds. TAGB where we focus on personal, professional, and business growth. Book your free 30-minute discovery call at https://thinkandgrowbusiness.com.au/book-your-free-discovery-call/

You are standing Stronger, Braver, and Wiser. Don’t forget the golden rule – Don t be an A-Hole

Check Out our Top 10 Leadership Podcasts: https://todaysleader.com.au/the-best-leadership-podcasts-for-2021/

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