Mallory Square has long been a favorite Key West spot for viewing sunset. It's beloved by both tourists and locals. What started out as a gathering for hippies doing illegal activities, and the City trying to stop it, turned into a cultural preservation event.

The daily sunset celebration at Mallory Square has turned into a festival with food vendors, performers, clowns, acrobats, and artisans. It's the only festival in the Keys where the artists who are selling their wares are actually required to make them with their own hands. They have to be able to demonstrate the making of the craft to a jury of their peers to even qualify to be at the event.

This event is known the world over, and traveling performers often come to spend "season" in Key West and perform on the pier. This nightly event is the only free event for families in Key West. 

If you're in Key West, you have to make plans to celebrate the sunset on the pier at least one night, if not more. Patronize the local artisans who work hard to produce beautiful crafts and great food.

To learn more about the Sunset Celebration at Mallory Square visit

Photo and content credit: Sunset Celebration,