Where have you prioritized the integration of telehealth into care delivery?

Recent Zoom research found that in the U.S., 72% of survey respondents want to attend healthcare appointments both virtually and in-person post-pandemic, demonstrating the clear need for telehealth as an option for this hybrid approach to healthcare.

One area that is particularly well-suited for this is psychiatry and psychotherapy. With online therapy, providers can meet with patients far from their physical office space, opening up opportunities to take on new business outside of the immediate neighborhood

We also will see some medical practitioners such as nutritionists and dermatologists continue to use telehealth solutions in their practices. There are many cases in which doctors in these fields can provide expertise and recommendations to patients via video conferencing in the same way they would in person.

Because of the pandemic, there also has been a heightened awareness and preference to manage post-acute care and chronic conditions at home. Providing accessibility to care in the home will be one of the greatest growth areas for telehealth. We'll likely see more outpatient care or physical rehab programs conducted over video calls for patients who have recently undergone surgery and are resting at home.


I would imagine your health system has already started the process of integrating telehealth into certain practices.  What areas are you finding the greatest return for the clinicians and patients?

#healthcare #healthIT #cio #cmio #himss #chime #telehealth


Where have you prioritized the integration of telehealth into care delivery?

Recent Zoom research found that in the U.S., 72% of survey respondents want to attend healthcare appointments both virtually and in-person post-pandemic, demonstrating the clear need for telehealth as an option for this hybrid approach to healthcare.

One area that is particularly well-suited for this is psychiatry and psychotherapy. With online therapy, providers can meet with patients far from their physical office space, opening up opportunities to take on new business outside of the immediate neighborhood

We also will see some medical practitioners such as nutritionists and dermatologists continue to use telehealth solutions in their practices. There are many cases in which doctors in these fields can provide expertise and recommendations to patients via video conferencing in the same way they would in person.

Because of the pandemic, there also has been a heightened awareness and preference to manage post-acute care and chronic conditions at home. Providing accessibility to care in the home will be one of the greatest growth areas for telehealth. We'll likely see more outpatient care or physical rehab programs conducted over video calls for patients who have recently undergone surgery and are resting at home.


I would imagine your health system has already started the process of integrating telehealth into certain practices.  What areas are you finding the greatest return for the clinicians and patients?

#healthcare #healthIT #cio #cmio #himss #chime #telehealth
