Why is the Healthcare Digital Revolution in Pilot Stage?

Tom Kiesau, senior partner with the Chartis Group, who talked about the findings from surveying 220 executives on such issues as digital health, machine learning and AI.
Fifty-two percent (52%)  have not progressed beyond pilot stages for digital integration, but understand the need for digital transformation, Kiesau said. Close to half (47%) cite digital as a top organizational priority, and 80% plan to increase their digital investments.

Executives question whether making an investment is the best way to begin. But a good warning sign that more planning is needed is that new technology, plus an old organization, equals a costly old organization, Kiesau said.
Most (88%) said they believe commercial payments need to grow to support long-term financial health.

So much to unpack here.  
Why are we doing pilots, quick tests to determine the value of applying a solution to a problem that aren't providing answers in a timely fashion?   Are we using pilots correctly?  Was there ever an intention to evaluate the solution or were we just pushing a decision down the line?

New Tech, Plus and Old Organization equals a costly old organization.  Yes, unless the leadership understands how to introduce and manage organizational change, regardless of if it is brought on by technology.

Finally, are we really hoping to fund all of this with increased rates in commercial rates?  That doesn't sound like it has the best interest of the patient in mind.  Just sayin.


Why is the Healthcare Digital Revolution in Pilot Stage?

Tom Kiesau, senior partner with the Chartis Group, who talked about the findings from surveying 220 executives on such issues as digital health, machine learning and AI.

Fifty-two percent (52%)  have not progressed beyond pilot stages for digital integration, but understand the need for digital transformation, Kiesau said. Close to half (47%) cite digital as a top organizational priority, and 80% plan to increase their digital investments.

Executives question whether making an investment is the best way to begin. But a good warning sign that more planning is needed is that new technology, plus an old organization, equals a costly old organization, Kiesau said.

Most (88%) said they believe commercial payments need to grow to support long-term financial health.

So much to unpack here.  
Why are we doing pilots, quick tests to determine the value of applying a solution to a problem that aren't providing answers in a timely fashion?   Are we using pilots correctly?  Was there ever an intention to evaluate the solution or were we just pushing a decision down the line?

New Tech, Plus and Old Organization equals a costly old organization.  Yes, unless the leadership understands how to introduce and manage organizational change, regardless of if it is brought on by technology.

Finally, are we really hoping to fund all of this with increased rates in commercial rates?  That doesn't sound like it has the best interest of the patient in mind.  Just sayin.
