I don't watch the news anymore, but I do peruse a lot of headlines.  Here is what we are seeing.

- The US Surpassed 100 million doses administered on March 12th.  13.5% of the Adult population.
- 35 million people have been fully vaccinated.
- Over 61% of people over the age of 65 have received at least one dose.
- States announcing back to school plans include Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Mass, and Maryland.
- There has been an 8 week downward trend in reported cases since Jan 11th in the US, which  have declined by 78% since the peak on that day.  
- First 100 day target of 100M doses administered, Day 50ish and the number is at 89M administered.   Talk about underpromise over deliver.  If this were agile, we would be adjusting the number to 150M in the first 100 days.  Which is easily in reach.

We are not out of the woods, there are still some areas of concern.  Jersey, New York, Delaware, Miami, and major cities in Texas. 

The positive numbers are reports seem to be coming in bunches these days.  Let's keep the momentum going.

I don't watch the news anymore, but I do peruse a lot of headlines.  Here is what we are seeing.

- The US Surpassed 100 million doses administered on March 12th.  13.5% of the Adult population.
- 35 million people have been fully vaccinated.
- Over 61% of people over the age of 65 have received at least one dose.
- States announcing back to school plans include Washington, Oregon, Arizona, Mass, and Maryland.
- There has been an 8 week downward trend in reported cases since Jan 11th in the US, which  have declined by 78% since the peak on that day.  
- First 100 day target of 100M doses administered, Day 50ish and the number is at 89M administered.   Talk about underpromise over deliver.  If this were agile, we would be adjusting the number to 150M in the first 100 days.  Which is easily in reach.

We are not out of the woods, there are still some areas of concern.  Jersey, New York, Delaware, Miami, and major cities in Texas. 

The positive numbers are reports seem to be coming in bunches these days.  Let's keep the momentum going.