Will digital health funding continue at this pace or did the COVID 70% increase primarily in the telehealth space create a bubble?

Aaron Martin kicks off this conversation with a quote to get us grounded. "There is an old economist joke that economists have called five out of the last two recessions."

"My sense is that over the next ten years we’re going to see a marked shift in the health care landscape where digital health—which is health care that leverages the power of advanced computing and analytics to improve experience, outcomes and affordability—will take on a central role in our health care system. It will likely be a hybrid role of digital health merging with, and/or powering and supporting in-person healthcare to make it more predictive, preventative, efficient and effective. " Sukanya Soderland

"right now, we’re still in the early and middle innings on transforming health care as a society." Bill Evans

"I think COVID has helped everyone take digital health really seriously. And they should do so from here on because digital health is here to stay. These companies are stabilizing and they are maturing" Raj Prabhu

"the flood is here and it’s going to continue. Instead of building a dam, build a tributary for these things to happen in an organized, thoughtful way within your organization. The companies that do that will find the diamonds in the rough. " Sean Duffy

A lot of wisdom in this article. If you were to paint a picture of what health and the delivery of healthcare looked like in 10 years, how different would it look like from today?


Will digital health funding continue at this pace or did the COVID 70% increase primarily in the telehealth space create a bubble?

Aaron Martin kicks off this conversation with a quote to get us grounded. "There is an old economist joke that economists have called five out of the last two recessions."

"My sense is that over the next ten years we’re going to see a marked shift in the health care landscape where digital health—which is health care that leverages the power of advanced computing and analytics to improve experience, outcomes and affordability—will take on a central role in our health care system. It will likely be a hybrid role of digital health merging with, and/or powering and supporting in-person healthcare to make it more predictive, preventative, efficient and effective. " Sukanya Soderland

"right now, we’re still in the early and middle innings on transforming health care as a society." Bill Evans

"I think COVID has helped everyone take digital health really seriously. And they should do so from here on because digital health is here to stay. These companies are stabilizing and they are maturing" Raj Prabhu

"the flood is here and it’s going to continue. Instead of building a dam, build a tributary for these things to happen in an organized, thoughtful way within your organization. The companies that do that will find the diamonds in the rough. " Sean Duffy

A lot of wisdom in this article. If you were to paint a picture of what health and the delivery of healthcare looked like in 10 years, how different would it look like from today?
