What changes would you like to see in Healthcare's waiting rooms?
In the name of efficiency, profits, public health and a better customer experience, healthcare providers around the country are looking at changing every aspect of the waiting-room experience, from the furniture to the fish tank.

Returning patients no longer need to arrive early, she says, thanks, in part, to software that digitize many traditional waiting-room and administrative tasks. Patients can use it to book appointments and answer pre-appointment questionnaires from home, it also links with the patient’s insurance company to provide an estimate of the cost of service. It knows a patient’s copay, deductible, and how much they have paid so far that year.

Mayo is developing a feature for its app that gives patients an option to be tracked when their cars arrive on campus. The feature will direct patients to the parking spot closest to their appointment.

“It’s not necessarily about eliminating the waiting room. It’s about gifting control over that time back to the individuals themselves.”  Stacey Change, UT Design Institute

It's Monday, lets continue creating a better experience for the patients.


What changes would you like to see in Healthcare's waiting rooms?

In the name of efficiency, profits, public health and a better customer experience, healthcare providers around the country are looking at changing every aspect of the waiting-room experience, from the furniture to the fish tank.

Returning patients no longer need to arrive early, she says, thanks, in part, to software that digitize many traditional waiting-room and administrative tasks. Patients can use it to book appointments and answer pre-appointment questionnaires from home, it also links with the patient’s insurance company to provide an estimate of the cost of service. It knows a patient’s copay, deductible, and how much they have paid so far that year.

Mayo is developing a feature for its app that gives patients an option to be tracked when their cars arrive on campus. The feature will direct patients to the parking spot closest to their appointment.

“It’s not necessarily about eliminating the waiting room. It’s about gifting control over that time back to the individuals themselves.”  Stacey Change, UT Design Institute

It's Monday, lets continue creating a better experience for the patients.
