November 6, 2023: Laura O’Toole, CEO of SureTest, explores the transformative power of diversity in healthcare expertise. In this Newsday they consider the impacts of introducing non-traditional backgrounds into the healthcare realm, questioning the balance between overwhelming new entrants and harnessing their unique skill sets. The conversation naturally extends to the potential of AI in healthcare, challenging current structures like large Epic shops and urging a shift towards meaningful engagement and efficient workflows. The episode concludes with a call for financial courage and stewardship, urging leaders to discerningly invest in solutions with substantial returns by giving staff time to critically and creatively think. Laura and Bill’s exchange encourages a reevaluation of healthcare’s status quo, pushing for innovation, efficiency, and a bold embrace of change.

Key Points:

Diverse Expertise HiringAI task management Encouraging Creative SolutionsDecreasing Clinician WorkloadInvestment and Financial Stewardship
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