April 11, 2022: Dr Colin Banas, Chief Medical Officer for DrFirst joins Bill for the news today. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are poised to transform the way healthcare is delivered. How do we prepare clinicians so that they have the knowledge and skills to assess and determine appropriate use? Tom Brady and Howard Schultz join the growing ranks of 'boomerang employees'. What kills innovation? 4 hospital innovation leaders weigh in. CMIO 3.0. How has the Chief Medical Information Officer role evolved?

Key Points:

The advice I give residents and interns who ask me about their career is never stop learning. And get involved.What kills innovation in an organization is a lack of commitment, unproportionate funding and not placing the right people in the right places.You can't manage what you can't measure.DrFirst


Preparing Clinicians for a Clinical World Influenced by Artificial Intelligence - JAMA NetworkTom Brady, Howard Schultz join growing ranks of 'boomerang employees' in US - USA TodayWhat kills innovation? 4 hospital innovation leaders weigh in - BeckersCMIO 3.0: How the chief medical information officer role has evolved - Healthcare Innovation