February 7, 2022: Clearly care has shifted and telehealth and virtual care is here to stay. How do we continue to make it work? https://www.linkedin.com/in/sue-schade-4a12887/ (Sue Schade) from https://www.starbridgeadvisors.com/ (StarBridge Advisors) joins Bill for the news. CHIME released a letter about facilitating a pathway to comprehensive permanent telehealth reform. Mayo Clinic’s hospital-at-home strategies freed up 3,300 beds. Over the past two years, healthcare organizations faced significant challenges. What are the top 7 challenges that IT leaders will face in 2022? And what does World Wide Technology predict for healthcare in 2022?
Sign up for our webinar: https://www.thisweekhealth.com/owning-cloud-in-your-organization-tw-wm/ (Owning Cloud in Your Organization - Understanding, Implementing and Designing Your Hybrid Cloud Strategy) - February 24, 2022: 2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT
Key Points:
00:00:00 - Intro
00:15:15 - Mayo’s important shift to hospital-at-home will free up beds for seriously high acute patients who don't have an alternative
00:25:05 - The number two challenge for IT leadership is skill set mismatch
http://sueschade.com/ (Sue Schade blog)
https://www.starbridgeadvisors.com/ (StarBridge Advisors)
https://chimecentral.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Telehealth-Stakeholder-Letter-RELEASE-1-31-22-FINAL-PDF.pdf?utm_source=online&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=publicpolicy (CHIME LETTER: 336 STAKEHOLDERS SEEK LEADERSHIP FROM CONGRESS TO CREATE PERMANENT COMPREHENSIVE TELEHEALTH REFORM)
https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/strategy/hospital-at-home-strategies-freed-up-3-300-beds-mayo-clinic-says.html?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=social (Hospital-at-home strategies freed up 3,300 beds, Mayo Clinic says - Beckers/NPR)
https://www.cio.com/article/302904/top-7-challenges-it-leaders-will-face-in-2022.html (Top 7 challenges IT leaders will face in 2022 - cio.com)
https://www.wwt.com/article/healthcare-predictions-2022 (Healthcare Predictions for 2022 - WWT.com)

February 7, 2022: Clearly care has shifted and telehealth and virtual care is here to stay. How do we continue to make it work? Sue Schade from StarBridge Advisors joins Bill for the news. CHIME released a letter about facilitating a pathway to comprehensive permanent telehealth reform. Mayo Clinic’s hospital-at-home strategies freed up 3,300 beds. Over the past two years, healthcare organizations faced significant challenges. What are the top 7 challenges that IT leaders will face in 2022? And what does World Wide Technology predict for healthcare in 2022?

Sign up for our webinar: Owning Cloud in Your Organization - Understanding, Implementing and Designing Your Hybrid Cloud Strategy - February 24, 2022: 2:00pm ET / 11:00am PT

Key Points:

00:00:00 - Intro

00:15:15 - Mayo’s important shift to hospital-at-home will free up beds for seriously high acute patients who don't have an alternative

00:25:05 - The number two challenge for IT leadership is skill set mismatch

Sue Schade blog

StarBridge Advisors


CHIME LETTER: 336 STAKEHOLDERS SEEK LEADERSHIP FROM CONGRESS TO CREATE PERMANENT COMPREHENSIVE TELEHEALTH REFORMHospital-at-home strategies freed up 3,300 beds, Mayo Clinic says - Beckers/NPRTop 7 challenges IT leaders will face in 2022 - cio.comHealthcare Predictions for 2022 - WWT.com