Some things to consider.

Making a career move is a team sport.  Who is on your team?  Who is helping you to evaluate the next move?
What expectations do they have for the role?  Can you clearly articulate what is expected of you in the role?  What metric is most tied to your success, failure?
What would the perfect role be for you?  What are the characteristics of that perfect role?  How many of those characteristics are present in your next role?

Today we look at some people who have made big moves in their career and ask some questions for those of us considering career moves.

#healthcare #healthIT #cio #cmio #chime #himss

Some things to consider.

Making a career move is a team sport.  Who is on your team?  Who is helping you to evaluate the next move?What expectations do they have for the role?  Can you clearly articulate what is expected of you in the role?  What metric is most tied to your success, failure?What would the perfect role be for you?  What are the characteristics of that perfect role?  How many of those characteristics are present in your next role?

Today we look at some people who have made big moves in their career and ask some questions for those of us considering career moves.

#healthcare #healthIT #cio #cmio #chime #himss