A playbook on what not to do in the event of a breach. 
- Get breached. Hey, I understand, it happens.
- Negotiate and pay the attackers to destroy or not use the information.
- Don't report it to all the people you are supposed to.
- Use the least effective means to notify the 161,000 patients. Your website. That's it.
- Only offer identify protection and services to 10% of the people deemed to be the most vulnerable to identity theft based on the information taken.
Back to business as usual. 
#healthcare #healthIT #cio #ciso #chime #himss
https://www.khou.com/article/news/investigations/medical-provider-ransomware-attack-gastroenterology-consultants/285-433d27bc-5351-4962-9cc0-97e54d3a3201 (https://www.khou.com/article/news/investigations/medical-provider-ransomware-attack-gastroenterology-consultants/285-433d27bc-5351-4962-9cc0-97e54d3a3201)

A playbook on what not to do in the event of a breach. 

- Get breached. Hey, I understand, it happens.

- Negotiate and pay the attackers to destroy or not use the information.

- Don't report it to all the people you are supposed to.

- Use the least effective means to notify the 161,000 patients. Your website. That's it.

- Only offer identify protection and services to 10% of the people deemed to be the most vulnerable to identity theft based on the information taken.

Back to business as usual. 

#healthcare #healthIT #cio #ciso #chime #himss
