HIMSS State of Healthcare Report is out.

State of Healthcare Report was collected from March to April 2021 and represents 2,743 respondents in the United States—225 health systems, 309 clinicians, 147 payers and 2,062 patients.

Most health systems offer digital programs, with nearly one-third having targeted, high-impact efforts that track key performance indicators and outcomes. However, 52% of provid- ers have not progressed these initiatives beyond pilot stages. The greatest barri- ers to adoption are not technology and patient demand; rather, 59% of respondents pointed to uncertainty over regulatory reimbursement issues and internal change management.

Clinicians adopted digital health tools at a faster pace during the pandemic, though more than 60% said the lack of interoperability between systems presents a hurdle.

Clinicians report the pandemic’s financial impact as manageable: 70% described their current financial position as stable, with only 12% saying they’re some- what or highly financially unstable.

I'd want a lot more detail on the questions, methodology and population before I put too much stock in this but here are some more numbers to think about.

#Healthcare #healthIT #cio #cmio #himss #chime 


HIMSS State of Healthcare Report is out.

State of Healthcare Report was collected from March to April 2021 and represents 2,743 respondents in the United States—225 health systems, 309 clinicians, 147 payers and 2,062 patients.

Most health systems offer digital programs, with nearly one-third having targeted, high-impact efforts that track key performance indicators and outcomes. However, 52% of provid- ers have not progressed these initiatives beyond pilot stages. The greatest barri- ers to adoption are not technology and patient demand; rather, 59% of respondents pointed to uncertainty over regulatory reimbursement issues and internal change management.

Clinicians adopted digital health tools at a faster pace during the pandemic, though more than 60% said the lack of interoperability between systems presents a hurdle.

Clinicians report the pandemic’s financial impact as manageable: 70% described their current financial position as stable, with only 12% saying they’re some- what or highly financially unstable.

I'd want a lot more detail on the questions, methodology and population before I put too much stock in this but here are some more numbers to think about.

#Healthcare #healthIT #cio #cmio #himss #chime 
