Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001DmoQmZGawGFuIrtFSsppf_qjr-ms8700xt7tFnTAeFWg6WAYvOfQH6NmUt0XXq5SVg5ngdHQ3LV_f3OXUbBTgOgApWaSL0xw0H_LdDT7W5Xqam6nWCeTwBlXArhPwGKXHHXjOM09O17LJbsw9OlAKf06gxgn2Yn4O9lrKQneYVhfnmNA3qxl77jeLOjMxRk4xQh_GEYyW8DHDVkxADYJYY-PFI3Uo3HtGsDm_9WPF0dhAHhxEEAYJbatvYatn1VmsHwOHqqhkLhDGkxtIJHLnvs6jb6GUPXLPJuNN9gEa2m2jvieCHNri0IM0AuEl_3w_9-vh27puIw=&c=gNSKdKi7IxJnC9qBDlXigimvpt1enw9pgGSiRkknrlzLPDQ_1DwqSQ==&ch=F8np4XgtAaV0q_qqp41F0Vt-ynhOQn0fqLtk6Ys6WsAVvWgiViFgkA== (statement) from Sept. 15, 2021 clarifying the definition of a personal health record under its Health Breach Notification Rule to include third-party apps and the FTC’s intent to hold non-HIPAA covered third-parties responsible for the disclosure of that personal health information.
This is good right. Well, like everything in the world there are always tradeoffs. We explore the tradeoffs on today's show.

Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) statement from Sept. 15, 2021 clarifying the definition of a personal health record under its Health Breach Notification Rule to include third-party apps and the FTC’s intent to hold non-HIPAA covered third-parties responsible for the disclosure of that personal health information.

This is good right. Well, like everything in the world there are always tradeoffs. We explore the tradeoffs on today's show.