There is a limiter on most digital transformation projects and it is culture. 

Denmark has seen a dramatic increase in survival from heart attacks after it began recruiting volunteers and arming some of them with smartphone technology that alerts them to nearby cardiac emergencies and helps them locate automated external defibrillators, or AEDs. The volunteers are then asked to enter residences and perform CPR until an ambulance arrives.

In Denmark, the survival rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest has increased from 4 percent to 16 percent in the past 20 years. In the United States, before the pandemic hit, the survival rate stood at 9.8 percent.


Culture will determine the pace at which your health system will move.  That is a law of technology projects.  It has been proven over and over again.

Now, how do we change culture.

There is a limiter on most digital transformation projects and it is culture. 

Denmark has seen a dramatic increase in survival from heart attacks after it began recruiting volunteers and arming some of them with smartphone technology that alerts them to nearby cardiac emergencies and helps them locate automated external defibrillators, or AEDs. The volunteers are then asked to enter residences and perform CPR until an ambulance arrives.

In Denmark, the survival rate for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest has increased from 4 percent to 16 percent in the past 20 years. In the United States, before the pandemic hit, the survival rate stood at 9.8 percent.


Culture will determine the pace at which your health system will move.  That is a law of technology projects.  It has been proven over and over again.

Now, how do we change culture.