No CIO Forum by CHIME at the HIMSS event this year.  Three events from CHIME instead of two.  Virtual / In Person / Live oh my.   I have a few questions.

 What do you think this means for HIMSS or CHIME?  
More importantly, What does this mean for us, the members?
Are you going to HIMSS in person this year if they are able to have it?

These are interesting times for sure.  I'm curious where you think this is going.

No CIO Forum by CHIME at the HIMSS event this year.  Three events from CHIME instead of two.  Virtual / In Person / Live oh my.   I have a few questions.

 What do you think this means for HIMSS or CHIME?  
More importantly, What does this mean for us, the members?
Are you going to HIMSS in person this year if they are able to have it?

These are interesting times for sure.  I'm curious where you think this is going.