Let's flip the conversation.  What worries you about the continued use of flexible work arrangements?  We all know why you like it, what are you worried about?

At the wall street journal CEO council summit this month, JP Morgan Chase's Jamie diamond said remote work doesn't work well for those who want to hustle Goldman Sachs CEO, David Solomon has called it . An aberration that we're going to correct as soon as possible. 

Using an array of metrics for 7,000 workers, such as email and other cloud-based tools, productivity software company, proto score, Inc. For instance, found employees were overall more productive and worked longer hours in 2020 than in 2019.

... research suggests remote workers lag behind office dwellers in some kinds of career advancement, a February, 2020 study of more than 400 tech workers by. Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Northeastern university found that while remote and non remote workers, get roughly the same number of promotions, the salaries of the remote workers grew more slowly at companies where remote work was less common.

Pay, Isolation, Promotion, Productivity, Culture, Motivation?  What are your concerns from your perspective?

Let's flip the conversation.  What worries you about the continued use of flexible work arrangements?  We all know why you like it, what are you worried about?

At the wall street journal CEO council summit this month, JP Morgan Chase's Jamie diamond said remote work doesn't work well for those who want to hustle Goldman Sachs CEO, David Solomon has called it . An aberration that we're going to correct as soon as possible. 

Using an array of metrics for 7,000 workers, such as email and other cloud-based tools, productivity software company, proto score, Inc. For instance, found employees were overall more productive and worked longer hours in 2020 than in 2019.

... research suggests remote workers lag behind office dwellers in some kinds of career advancement, a February, 2020 study of more than 400 tech workers by. Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Northeastern university found that while remote and non remote workers, get roughly the same number of promotions, the salaries of the remote workers grew more slowly at companies where remote work was less common.

Pay, Isolation, Promotion, Productivity, Culture, Motivation?  What are your concerns from your perspective?