Pick your favorite phrase about telehealth.  "We're not going back"  "The genie is out of the bottle" "The toothpaste is out of the tube".  This sentiment is prevalent.  Are we ready?

On Today in Health IT I look at two experiences on the same day.  One is my neighbor who was seeing a specialist from an Academic Medical Center for a rare disease and the second was my wife who wanted to talk to a  physician about a nagging problem.

One was a great experience, the other not so much.  It got me to thinking, are we ready?  Do we have UI/UX experts looking at our workflow.  Do we have the right patient/customer support mechanisms in place?  Do we provide the right services to our community.  

I will say that in my wife's case, not a single dime went to the local provider in our market.  The entire event was handled through our payer and teladoc.  Perhaps the doctor was on staff at the local provider, but we have no idea really.  The payer directed our care from end-to-end.  That's just interesting to think about.

So, are we ready?

#healthcare #telehealth #healthIT #chime #himss #cio #cmio


Pick your favorite phrase about telehealth.  "We're not going back"  "The genie is out of the bottle" "The toothpaste is out of the tube".  This sentiment is prevalent.  Are we ready?

On Today in Health IT I look at two experiences on the same day.  One is my neighbor who was seeing a specialist from an Academic Medical Center for a rare disease and the second was my wife who wanted to talk to a  physician about a nagging problem.

One was a great experience, the other not so much.  It got me to thinking, are we ready?  Do we have UI/UX experts looking at our workflow.  Do we have the right patient/customer support mechanisms in place?  Do we provide the right services to our community.  

I will say that in my wife's case, not a single dime went to the local provider in our market.  The entire event was handled through our payer and teladoc.  Perhaps the doctor was on staff at the local provider, but we have no idea really.  The payer directed our care from end-to-end.  That's just interesting to think about.

So, are we ready?

#healthcare #telehealth #healthIT #chime #himss #cio #cmio
