What are your predications for Health IT in 2021? I know I'm late, but we've been all vaccine, all the time for January, which is as it should be.

Just click on comment below and let us know. Come on. Make a prediction. It's not a prediction unless you put it on paper before it happens.

Over the next two or three days I will be laying out my predictions around cloud, government emphasis, telehealth, digital health investments and the like. 

Today, Where #cloud growth is going to come from in 2021 and a couple areas where we can almost be sure where the Biden administration is going to take healthcare and we explore the #HealthIT implication for #Healthcare.  

I look forward to seeing your predictions.

What are your predications for Health IT in 2021? I know I'm late, but we've been all vaccine, all the time for January, which is as it should be.

Just click on comment below and let us know. Come on. Make a prediction. It's not a prediction unless you put it on paper before it happens.

Over the next two or three days I will be laying out my predictions around cloud, government emphasis, telehealth, digital health investments and the like. 

Today, Where #cloud growth is going to come from in 2021 and a couple areas where we can almost be sure where the Biden administration is going to take healthcare and we explore the #HealthIT implication for #Healthcare.  

I look forward to seeing your predictions.