Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
— Galatians 6:9

It can be hard not to grow weary of doing good. Physically tired, emotionally and spiritually drained, we might be ready to give up.
The brokenness in our world knows no end. There is always another hungry person to be fed. No sooner is a hospital bed open, and another person fills it. Someone who is healthy today will be sick tomorrow. In a sinful and broken world, there will always be hungry, sick, lonely, imprisoned, or impoverished people. Wars and rumors of wars will always produce refugees. The world’s problems will last until Jesus returns. In the meantime, though, we are encouraged, “Do not grow weary of doing good!” And only in God’s strength can we continue. We may certainly resign from a committee, leave a specific ministry of mercy, and stop volunteering at a soup kitchen. But we must not grow weary of doing good! If we change ministries, we can still continue to minister in other ways. In the end, as we become people who must be fed, clothed, and visited, our ministry may be reduced to a smile, an encouraging word, or a prayer. And that may be our most effective ministry of all. By God’s grace, may we all rejoice to hear the words “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Dear Jesus, sometimes we grow weary and discouraged. Help us, in the power of your Spirit, to press on. Thank you for giving us eternal life and for welcoming us into your kingdom. Amen.