Toasted Cake 229! In which we ruin our favorite blouse, but maybe we have good reasons. Melba had thought she was too old to be possessed by a demon. . . . A shorter version of this story, entitled "How...

Toasted Cake 229! In which we ruin our favorite blouse, but maybe we have good reasons.

Melba had thought she was too old to be possessed by a demon. . . .

A shorter version of this story, entitled "How Melba Got Her Groove Back," first appeared right here in Bending Genres.

Tara Campbell is a writer, teacher, Kimbilio Fellow, and fiction editor at Barrelhouse. Prior publication credits in addition to Toasted Cake include SmokeLong Quarterly, Masters Review, Monkeybicycle, Jellyfish Review, Booth, Strange Horizons, and Escape Pod/Artemis Rising. She's the author of a novel, TreeVolution, a hybrid fiction/poetry collection, Circe's Bicycle, and a short story collection, Midnight at the Organporium. She received her MFA from American University in 2019.
