When Stanley Ralph Ross sat down to write what would be his final Batman script, which he titled Batman Meets his Match, he built it around a magical character who could turn invisible: Dr. Cabala. It was only in a later draft that, for whatever reason, he made Cabala the second banana to his alchemist wife, Dr. Cassandra. This time, we examine both versions of the script to see how much of this story was intact from the beginning and which aspects evolved later. Also, why do pseudosciences like alchemy and astrology tend to get lumped together?

Also, Batman for 8 Cellos, Holy Deja Vu looks at Angelique Pettyjohn, and we read your mail about our episode 152 Riddler talk with Wally Wingert!

Help Tim move away from his cough-inducing apartment


Batman Meets his Match

The Entrancing Dr. Cassandra