Seren and Rey are back for more classic GOODNESS, and this time we tackle them not once, twice...but THRICE! -

Marvel Two-In-One Vol. 1 #31 - ‘My Sweetheart…My Killer’

Marvel Two-In-One Vol. 1 #32 - ‘And Only the Invisible Girl Can Save Us Now’

Marvel Two-In-One Vol. 1 #33 - ‘From Stonehenge, With Death!’

Released May 31st - August 3rd 1977 / Cover Date September - November 1977


Marv Wolfman


Ron Wilson


Sam Grainger


Janice Cohen


Irving Watanabe


Marv Wolfman



Seren - 4.5/5, Rey - 4/5

Remember -

To Know Her Is To Fear Her!


SYNOPSIS (courtesty of Wiki):

Knocked into the Thames River by a bomb blast, the Thing saves Spider-Woman and brings her to shore. Indebted to him, she tells him of her forced servitude in Hydra and agrees to help him rescue Alicia.

While the two criminals continue to search for their lost treasure -- which turns out to be stolen from British Treasury during World War II -- They have almost completed collecting the plates needed to assemble a map pointing out the location of the treasure.

Meanwhile, Hyrda exposes Alicia to the serum they synthesized based on Spider-Woman and mutates her into a woman-spider creature, restoring her sight technologically. Ordering her to destroy the Thing and Spider-Woman, Alicia attacks them and their battle takes them across the city of London, finally ending in a department store where the Alicia-creature catches Ben in a spider-web.

As Ben and Spider-Woman continue to battle the spider-mutated Alicia Masters, the two criminals searching for the long lost stolen treasure of World War II. They find the treasure they sought, however, when they open the treasure chest, they find themselves sucked into it by mystical forces.

As the battle between Ben, Spider-Woman, and Alicia rages on, Ben smashes the control module on her forehead. Losing their ability to control Alicia thanks to the destruction of this device, the Hydra agent in charge of this mission is ordered killed by the Supreme Hydra for his failure.

Alicia has the two heroes on the ropes until the Invisible Girl arrives. Using her invisible force fields, Sue manages to cut off Alicia's oxygen supply until she passes out. While Dr. Kort tries to restore Alicia back to normal, Thing wanders around London brooding. To make Ben feel worse, the people of London who originally treated him with celebrity when he first arrived are now treating him as a monster following the battle. Sue tracks down Ben and tells her that Alicia is calling out to him, and so they return to Kort's lab just as Alicia is being transformed back to normal.normal.

Taking a trip to Stonehenge, Alicia and the Thing are secretly followed by Spider-Woman. Meanwhile, the chest uncovered by thieves looking for lost World War II treasure unleash a mystical force. Arriving at Stonehenge, Thing and Alicia are confronted by four elemental demons: Fire, Aero, Hydro, and Mud. Their appearance forces Spider-Woman to reveal herself and defend Ben and Alicia.

The trio is all transported below Stonehenge where they find that all the tourists have been transported to and are being kept as prisoners. The elementals explain that they were summoned to capture Mordred the mystic for Merlin, who has recently been revived in modern times. They have vowed to capture Mordred even if it means the destruction of the Earth. As the elementals are explaining their mission, Ben and Spider-Woman attack them but prove unable to make any lasting damage against them.

When all seems lost, Mordred arrives to answer the elementals challenge. While Mordred and Spider-Woman battle the elementals, Ben goes looking for Alicia. Mordred transports himself, the elementals, and Spider-Woman back to the surface where Mordred uses his magic to convince the elementals to fight each other. Each opposing element pitted against each other and being destroyed. After the battle, Mordred transports everyone back to the surface and erases the tourist's memories of the experience. Afterward, Ben and Alicia depart leaving Mordred to take Spider-Woman under his arm and take her on as an apprentice.

VENOM BLASTS (things to look out for in episode)!!

The demise of one of Seren's cherished possessions Seren's beverage of choice at the moment... What will Rey bake...?   The Tin Foil Hat Theory to end all Tin Foil Hats...


Marvel Two-In-One #31 Marvel Two-In-One #32 Marvel Two-In-One #33 TO KNOW HER IS TO FEAR HER MERCHADISE @ TEEPUBLIC

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Contact Seren on Twitter @spiderwomndaily !

Contact Rey on Twitter @ReyReyPod !


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Rustin Green

Eric Hadley

Executive Producer

Jess D.

Special Thanks to

Our Patreons!

Claire Payne

The music for this episode contains excerpts from songs and music copyrighted by Marvel Music Group or are of no copyright. The music agreed for use on To Know Her Is To Fear Her - The Spider-Woman Podcast  is licensed under an Attribution License;

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