Megan's most anticipated game of the year is coming out on Sunday, the 20th of November; The Legend of Zelda: The Skyward Sword. So in preparation, and homage, she's going to play some Legend of Zelda Games for all you, and livestream it on Twitch TV! And record it for later. She'll be playing Ocarina of Time, a kind of speed run, Twilight Princess, and some Wind Waker! She'll be starting tonight, Friday, around 11pm EST (8pm PST, 4am GMT) and throughout the day on Saturday. Sunday she'll be playing Skyward Sword in the afternoon (American East Coast afternoon) and livestreaming it for the podcast. You'll be able to catch all of this later int he archives as podcasts and YouTube videos. (And yeah, she got the special edition with wii mote and CD. She'll be squeeing all day.)