*Presses Start*

So, I don't usually do this, but this is a pretty special case.

Juila Sherred, a good friend of To Continue Press Start, and really good friend of I, is trying to realize her dream of starting her own radio station. This is no small feat and indeed it is pricey. $3000 pricey and Jules doesn't have a Game Genie booklet so she can't get infinite money.

This, loyal readers, is where you come in. Co-op this campaign for her sake.

She's asking everyone to donate ten bucks to the cause. Don't have ten? Donate five. Don't have five? Donate one. Don't have one? Do what we're doing. Spread the word. We believe in her and we hope that she gets this up and running.

You can find her tutorial menu here. Do you what you guys do best. Support! Help her make this reality.
