Drugs, gang wars, weapons of mass destruction. What is this city coming to? Someone needs to step up and do something before this city tears itself apart. I don't know if that person is me, or Witz, or even the two of us together, but it's becoming increasingly clear that no one else is going to lift a finger to do the right thing, so I think we have to try. I hope we're not getting in over our heads.   - S

Drugs, gang wars, weapons of mass destruction. What is this city coming to? Someone needs to step up and do something before this city tears itself apart. I don't know if that person is me, or Witz, or even the two of us together, but it's becoming increasingly clear that no one else is going to lift a finger to do the right thing, so I think we have to try. I hope we're not getting in over our heads.   - S