Today we welcome Brittney Nichole Connor Savarda

Brittney-Nichole Connor-Savarda, author of The EQ Deficiency, is the region’s foremost authority on emotional intelligence and human behavior and lives her purpose as a Catalyst4Change. Connor-Savarda earned degrees in education and psychology, a certification as a Neuro-Linguistic Program (NLP) practitioner and is a HeartMath trainer. As a credentialed and respected “People Whisperer,” Brittney-Nichole specializes in working one-on-one with high-achieving male entrepreneurs to help them discover a life of fulfilment, balance, and confidence that success alone cannot satisfy. In addition, she partners with executives and their teams to solve the people problems that are holding them back from innovation and people-centered success.

Welcome Brittney!

In this conversation, Brittney takes us into her world and in particular, an experience on social media that sent her into the emotion of infuriated. Brittney takes us on that journey describing how she knew what she was feeling, the thinking associated to the emotion, how she processed, regulated, and used the emotional information to inform her decision making.

Along this journey we discuss:

- When emotionally triggered, we have to be able to take a look inside of ourselves at what triggers that; our thinking, our values, our beliefs

- Our experiences paint how we move forward in interactions; if we are unaware, we treat people with dis-trust

- Our societal corruption of trust puts everyone on guard…so we wear veneers, facades, fake impressions of who we actually are

- There is a distinct difference in how people experience trust; some require trust be earned (show me I can trust you or should trust you) while some require no earning…they give trust freely (show me I can’t or shouldn’t trust you) while some are a combination

- The psychology of emotions and emotional intelligence is that we experience feelings and our body signals those feelings and our brain can identify what we are feeling…but our mind tells the story why and this is where emotional intelligence becomes incredibly valuable. We have to learn to stop the storytelling

Get in touch with Brittney via her website or LinkedIn:

- Website:

- LinkedIn:

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