Today we welcome Kimberly Davis and Heather Younger!

An expert on authentic leadership, Kimberly Davis shares her inspirational message of personal power, responsibility and impact with organizations across the country and teaches leadership programs world-wide; most notably, her program “OnStage Leadership”. Additionally, Kimberly teaches for SMU Cox School of Business' Executive Education Program and their Latino Leadership Initiative; as well as for the Bush Institute's WE Lead program (empowering female leaders from the middle east). Kimberly is a TEDx speaker and her award-winning book, Brave Leadership: Unleash Your Most Confident, Authentic, and Powerful Self to Get the Results You Need was named the #1 book to read on Inc. Magazine’s “The most impactful books to read in 2018.”


Heather Younger is the best-selling author, international TEDx speaker on adversity, podcast host on leadership, facilitator and coach, she has earned her reputation as “The Employee Whisperer”. Her experiences as a CEO, entrepreneur, manager, attorney, writer, coach, listener, speaker, collaborator and mother all lend themselves to a laser-focused clarity into what makes employees of organizations and companies – large and small - tick.

· Heather has facilitated more than 150 communication style (DISC) and leadership and emotional intelligence workshops, reaching +100 employers and their employees.

· Her motivation and philosophy have reached more than 20,000 attendees at her speaking engagements on large and small stages.

· Companies have charted their future course based on her leading more than 100 focus groups.

· In addition, she has helped companies see double-digit employee engagement score increases through implementation of her laws and philosophies.

· She has driven results in a multitude of industries, including banking, oil & gas, construction, energy, and federal and local government.

· Her book “The 7 Intuitive Laws of Employee Loyalty” hit Forbes Must-Read list and is a go-to source for HR professionals seeking insight into their organization’s’ dynamics.

· Heather serves on the Board of Directors for Mile High SHRM and the American Cancer Society and a professional member of the National Speaker’s Association

In this conversation we talk about:

- Bravery in the context of racial unrest

- Bravery = vulnerability

- The cocktail for humanity is empathy + compassion + vulnerability + bravery + courage

- Give the grace and open mind and decide to be the change you are seeking

- There’s always room for empathy; take the time to find it for yourself and for others

- Notice the red flag of judgement and let go of those judgements

- Ground yourself in the essence of not knowing what’s going on for that other person

- Be wiling to step in and lean in while also knowing when and how to set boundaries

For more...

Kimberly Davis:

- Linked in:

- Website:

- Twitter: OnStageKimberly

Heather Younger:

- Linked in:

- Website:

- Twitter: Customerfanatix

For more of Rhys Thomas: [email protected]

For more of Teresa Quinlan: [email protected]

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