Today we welcome Veronica Owusu, the founder of and the Women on Fire Warrior Academy. 

She is on a mission to turn millions of passionate business owners, entrepreneurs and experts into fearless warriors that want to serve their tribe more powerfully than ever before with clarity, confidence and purpose.

In this episode we hear the transformational journey that Veronica took which led her to her current passionate work - transforming others stories into their gold-dust!

We dig into:

- At the crossroads of life listening to the voice inside and honouring the ‘hell no’.

- Finding your VPower or Warrior mode that exists within all of us

- The power of listening and reconditioning the internal

- Filling your toolkit with skills to package your strengths and unleash your Gold Dust

- The story of the dog on the porch

- Creating fertile soil for seeds to grow – conscious parenting

To connect with Veronica...

- Linked in:

- Website:

- Email: [email protected]

To connect with Rhys Thomas:

To connect with Teresa Quinlan: