Dr. Charles Liu joins us to talk about the observable evolution of galaxies, quasar hunting and has some inspiring words about science communication.Launches:Russia Launches GLONASS-M SatelliteSpace News:Einstein you geniusB-b-b-blackhole and the jetsThe EU is taking down the trash=== CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION ===Twitter.com/TMROFacebook.com/TMROTVYouTube.com/TMROReddit.com/r/tmroTwitch.tv/TMROTMRO.tv=== OUR REAL-TIME DISCORD CHANNEL ===All of the TMRO Shows are created and maintained in our Discord channel. Escape Velocity Patrons have access to a special room, but we also have free #general rooms that anyone can participate in. Join in for free at https://discord.gg/9NkkFWD=== TMRO IS CROWD FUNDED ===TMRO shows are crowd funded. If you like this episode consider contributing to help us to continue to improve. Head over to http://www.patreon.com/tmro for funding levels, goals and all of our different rewards!

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