Lisa, Jade and Athena discuss the past and future of prosthetic enhancements to the human body. How advanced have they become? Should we be upgrading ourselves past normal human limits? Leave your comments below and continue the conversation!News:Bubble curtains saving the world!?New link between fat, energy and diabetesLiving longer lives with bacteria in our gut?!Green tea could prevent strokes and heart attacks===KEEP ON DISCOVERING=== CONTINUE THE CONVERSATION OUR REAL-TIME DISCORD CHANNEL ===All of the TMRO Shows are created and maintained in our Discord channel. Escape Velocity Patrons have access to a special room, but we also have free #general rooms that anyone can participate in. Join in for free at TMRO IS CROWD FUNDED ===TMRO shows are crowd funded. If you like this episode consider contributing to help us to continue to improve. Head over to for funding levels, goals and all of our different rewards!

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