Today, the Supreme Court gave Donald Trump temporary relief and long term pain, by blocking both New York Prosecutors and the US Congress from getting his taxes returns for now, while at the same time essentially clearing the way for his taxes to be used in an ongoing investigation into the Trump family business practices. Now, the most powerful man in the world could be one step closer to criminal prosecutions in his home state. Join us tonight as we break down this multi-layered Supreme Court decision. During our Just one question we discussed whether or not the recent bankruptcies and downsizing of several big name retailers would usher in a new era of the mom and pop stores or if all shopping would head online. Then our special guest telenovela superstar, Kristina Lilley, joined us to talk about the differences between working in entertainment in the US vs. Latin America and about her career. After Kristian's interview we went back to Just one Question to discuss Kanye West's bipolar disease and whether journalists should be exploiting his illness right now. We closed the show discussing ABC's announcement about rebooting The Wonder Years and we debated what shows should never be rebooted or remade.


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